PeopleSoft is a group of applications designed to address complex business needs and requirements. Delivered by Oracle, the system helps enable organizations to boost productivity, provide a lower cost of ownership, and improve business performance. If your organization currently uses PeopleSoft, you may be considering upgrades and additions to enhance the solution and customize it to the needs of your people. One option is the PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) upgrade, which ensures that your system is flexible and always up to date.
An Outline of the PUM Upgrade
Within PeopleSoft 9.2, the PUM upgrade allows the administrative-level users to download a cumulative set of updates periodically. When you download this set of updates that have been released, you can select the capabilities you want to install and implement within your instance of PeopleSoft, creating a more customized change package that adheres to the needs of your workforce. Additionally, the PeopleSoft Update Manager allows you to implement patches and regulatory updates when necessary.
The package of updates that you get through this upgrade runs on the PeopleSoft Image database. PeopleSoft Images are virtual machines that can be downloaded on local machines. Each product image is released based on the schedule, which you can review on the PUM homepage. The PeopleSoft Image is the master source environment that allows you to select updated files, apply updates, and create custom change packages.
Purpose of the PUM Upgrade

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The developers behind PeopleSoft understand the need for flexibility in the workplace. Businesses across various industries have different and unique needs, so providing a higher degree of flexibility allows organizations to selectively apply the features they want while maintaining a cost-effective solution. Prior to the availability of the PUM upgrade, bug fixes, and regulatory changes had to be applied in one of two ways. The first was a major application upgrade, while the second was in the form of maintenance or bundled packs.
With the launch of PeopleSoft 9.2, a new way to upgrade and fix issues within the software was introduced. Users can apply update images through the PUM update rather than maintenance packs and bundles. The update images include several key components:
- Bug fixes.
- New functionality.
- Enhanced features.
- Regulatory changes.
As you go through the available updates through the PUM upgrade manager, you can decide what applies to your environment and which options you wish to implement for your workforce. It's easy and cost-effective to enhance the platform as needed while skipping updates that don't necessarily apply or go beyond the scope of your work. Budgeting for software enhancements is also simpler than ever, as you're able to view the cost of certain upgrades or functionality.
PUM 9.2 Upgrade Features and Benefits
One of the key advantages of the PUM Upgrade within PeopleSoft is selective adoption, which allows users to select the features and fixes they desire to implement in their instance. A major application upgrade is no longer necessary, which is beneficial as such an upgrade can be time-consuming and cause the system to go down for hours at a time, limiting accessibility. You can get access to the latest features and functionality within PeopleSoft 9.2 without the downtime of a major application upgrade.
Utilizing the PUM upgrade also includes the necessary dependencies automatically. Your PeopleSoft system relies on certain dependencies and selections to apply maintenance upgrades and bug fixes. You no longer have to worry about installing or seeking out these dependencies to keep your system up to date. The PUM upgrade built into PeopleSoft 9.2 also allows for cumulative PeopleSoft Update Images (PIs), eliminating the need to catch up sequentially. All the updates you need can be made quickly, keeping your system up and running when you need it.
What Is the Change Assistant in PeopleSoft?
The Change Assistant is another key aspect of the PUM upgrade within PeopleSoft. When you create a customized package of updates based on your organization's needs, the Change Assistant will implement and apply the updates to your environment. The Change Assistant is responsible for generating the package, comparing it with your current setup, and applying all the selected updates for a cohesive user experience.
Considerations for the PeopleSoft PUM Upgrade
When considering whether you want to apply the PUM upgrade to your PeopleSoft environment, it's helpful to determine how much customization you want on your platform. Creating a more customized environment does require some technical knowledge and abilities, as the administrative-level users will need to understand how to select the features, functionality, and bug fixes to include, as well as apply them through PeopleSoft. If you don't want to handle this at the company level, outsourcing the service to a third party may be the right option for your organization.
How to Start Using PUM Upgrade
If you currently use PeopleSoft 9.2 or later, you can implement the PUM upgrade in your own environment and start taking advantage of the benefits that it brings. At Dimension Systems, Inc., we provide support for organizations that utilize PeopleSoft, helping them determine what upgrades and enhancements would benefit their workforce. With our proven approach to upgrading PeopleSoft, we dig deep into each client's individual environment to determine whether they are at the proper level for an upgrade.
When reviewing upgrade opportunities, we look at several key factors, including the reasons behind upgrading for your organization, whether the upgrade is technical in nature, and if your organization plans to implement new features or functionality. After we glean this information, our experienced technicians can create a customized project plan that includes the planning and implementation phases. Your plan can include the PUM upgrade, and our technicians can help determine which features and functionality to include in your upgrade packages for maximum usage and flexibility.
We take pride in offering high-quality service to companies that rely on PeopleSoft for a wide range of needs. Many of our technicians have over 10 years of experience and can share their wealth of knowledge with you. For more information about how we can help you take advantage of what the PUM upgrade has to offer to your organization, contact us at DSI.